
Discussion List Services For Business Group Email

Powerful - Secure – Customization  with searchable archives and RSS*

  1. Ideal for group projects and collaboration, both in and out of the office.
  2. Share ideas, information, and documents.
  3. Take a survey.
  4. Manage your discussion lists with ease with built-in administrative tools.
  5. Customize your discussion lists with the look and feel of your company’s web personality.
  6. Work with your Social Networks with easy network integration.
  7. Create an informal online community for the entire organization to discuss upcoming events, personal milestones, notices, and more.

Most businesses are comprised of several autonomous working divisions or groups, which, while working independently, function together as one unit.  Discussion lists are the ideal medium for everyone to come together in conversation. 

Discussion lists accommodate both the remote and on-site employee

Group email, also known as a discussion list, is an easy, fast, and direct way to share ideas, knowledge, and advice.   We deliver simple solutions for collaboration in the privacy of the home or office – 24/7.

Whether you need one list or many lists under your domain, we got a plan for you!

*Archives can be syndicated using RSS. An RSS aggregator notifies the presence of new messages.